Our client was labelled a New York gangster by the press and one of the most dangerous men in prison in the UK, currently serving 3 life sentences.

Accused of assaulting a prison officer, our client called upon Charlie Salvador, previously known as Charles Bronson, to give evidence as a defence witness to assist in his case at trial.

Both Charlie and our client provided live evidence explaining the stringent, hostile, and isolated conditions found in the Closed Supervision Centres (CSC’s), where men labelled as the most dangerous in the UK are held within the prison system.

Highly experienced barrister, Oliver Kirk of 5 St Andrew’s Hill, was selected as our chosen counsel.

A full trial commenced and there at the end, there remained two jury members unsure if our client was guilty. Eventually a majority direction was passed which meant a guilty verdict was eventually accepted against our client despite some jury members thinking differently. Despite this, the Judge, after hearing all the evidence and circumstances put forward by our team, passed only a short 4 month custodial sentence, which is to run concurrent to his life sentences.

Working tirelessly for our clients, no matter what their background or circumstances, is why we’re recognised as a quality national firm providing quality advice and representation. We work in our client’s best interests at all times whether you’re an individual, or a business and no matter who you are.

If you need defending in a crisis or emergency, then Nicholls & Nicholls cover nationally, providing fixed fees so you always know where you stand, and the service you’re paying for, with no hidden costs.