Another year passes and another opportunity for a student to be exposed to life at Nicholls & Nicholls.

Our managing partner, Lucinda Nicholls is an Associate Member on the board of Lord Edmund-Davies Legal Education Trust (LEDLET) volunteering her time to help young people from Wales trying to enter the legal profession who struggle due to their socio-economic difficulties and therefore a lack of opportunity.

Not only did the firm welcome one of the specially selected students to spend ‘a day in the life of a litigation lawyer,’ but Lucinda also actively engaged in the summer scheme organised by the Trust.

It’s not an easy process to get on the scheme. Applications have to be made along with a written task that’s stringently marked by all the trustees and associate members across 2-3 meetings. The final 10 are then provided with a 5 day programme covering an array of engagements with Supreme Court judges, behind the scenes at the famous Old Bailey, and exposure to barristers and solicitors from all areas of law.

Lucinda is also the Secretary to the Association of London Welsh Lawyers who actively raise money to assist the Trust with their goals.

Nicholls & Nicholls actively engage in charity work and supporting those who need it most. A small niche firm with an extra big heart.